2003-2004 - Ministry of Health and Environment, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Ministry of Health and Environment, Republic of the Marshall Islands
DESCRIPTION: PEACESAT is working MOHE and Pacific Health Research Institute
(PHRI) in maximizing the PEACESAT data connection by implementing
reduction technology. PHRI funded the technology required for this
There are two PEACESAT earth stations in the Republic
of the Marshall Islands, one located at the College of Marshall Islands
and the other at the Emergency Operations Center. Interactive video
teleconferencing is available at the college and MOHE.
Managers : Ricky Zheng, PEACESAT HQ; Chris Welch, PHRI |
of Hawaii at Manoa 2424 Maile Way Saunders
Hall Room 713 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 |
(808) 956-8848 Fax: (808) 956-8019 Email: peacesat@elele.peacesat.hawaii.edu |