2002-2003 - PEACESAT Operations
Maintenance and Improvement (OMIP)
PEACESAT Operations Maintenance and Improvement (OMIP)
The Department of the Interior funded an Operations Maintenance and
Improvement training program for PEACESAT operators and technicians.
The program included several types of training. The first involved regional
meetings in which instructors met face-to-face with the operators for
hands-on technical training. In the second form of training, the operators
met weekly over video conference for technical status checks, and during
the third the PEACESAT Satellite Communications Technician made a site
visit to each area for individual training. The goal of this program
was to build the support required to increase overall network performance,
user satisfaction and participation.
ORGANIZATION: U.S. Department of Interior
INVESTIGATOR: Abe Malae, American Samoa Power Authority
of Hawaii at Manoa 2424 Maile Way Saunders
Hall Room 713 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 |
(808) 956-8848 Fax: (808) 956-8019 Email: peacesat@elele.peacesat.hawaii.edu |