The Pacific Islands region has experienced many natural disasters
and hazards during the past decade. Hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes
and tsunamis have been prevalent in the region. Access to information
and the ability to communicate have hampered efforts to plan, mitigate,
and respond to disasters. The purpose of this project is to assess
the requirements, design and test modifications to the PEACESAT earth
stations, and provide an emergency management communications capability
and training for the Pacific Island territories and freely associated
states of American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei
and Yap), the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic
ORGANIZATIONS: The funding agency for this project is the Pacific
Basin Development Council. The PBDC received funding from the U.S.
Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Department of Interior
for the project.
ORGANIZATION: The project is a collaboration among the Pacific Caucus
of Emergency Managers, the Pacific Basin Development Council, PEACESAT,
and the Office of Telecommunication and Information Research and Applications
of the Social Science Research Institute. The Principal Investigators
of the project are Dr. Norman Okamura and Ms. Lori Mukaida. Ms. Christina
Higa is the Project Manager.