As a network under the Telecommunications and Information
Policy Group (TIPG) at the University of Hawaii, PEACESAT, along with
State of Hawaii Telehealth access Network (STAN), provides a centralized
Reservation and Network Management System. The general hours of operations
are between 8:00am to 8:00pm, Monday through Friday. 9:00am to 1:00pm
Saturdays and 12:00pm to 5:00pm on Sundays.
The primary responsibility of the STAN/PEACESAT Operations is to provide
reservations and confirmation services to qualified users for video conferencing.
Please call 956-6668 to contact the STAN Operators for reservations and
confirmation on video conferences.
The primary responsibility of the STAN/PEACESAT Technical Staff is to
provide and insure, on a 24 X 7 basis, that Wide Area Network facilities
are functioning and operational. Please call 956-6668 to reach a STAN/PEACESAT
Technician. If a Technician is not available or in the field, a STAN/PEACESAT
Operator will assist you in reaching one of the Technicians.
In the user information section you will find various forms
of relevant materials that pertain to the coordination of a Video Teleconference
(VTC). You will find descriptions of the proper forms that must be completed
as well as the actual documents that you will be able to submit. Also
listed is our contact information, in case you feel the need to speak
to one of our representatives.
The time conversion chart will be helpful in planning a
VTC with a contingency from another time zone. The listing of the holidays
of the Pacific Islands provides helpful information on days that certain
sites will not be available for conferencing.
of Hawaii at Manoa 2424 Maile Way Saunders
Hall Room 713 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 |
(808) 956-8848 Fax: (808) 956-8019 Email: |