When requesting to use the services of STAN/PEACESAT for
video conferencing, there are two forms that you will have to fill out.
are as follows:
STAN VTC Request Form - The STAN VTC Request
Form is a vital part of each video teleconference. Besides providing
with all of the information we need to know in order to facilitate a
conference, this form also provides us with a record of past conferences
and contact
information of the participants who were involved. It is crucial that
we check for any missing information left out on the request form as
may lead to potential conflicts in the future.
Initially, the VTC Request Form was meant to be used for video teleconferences
conducted through the STAN. With the increased frequency of both video
and audio conferences under our PEACESAT network, as well as the other
networks we administer to, the VTC Request Form has become a standardized
form that we use for all types of conferences (not just video anymore).
For every conference that is reserved or scheduled, there must be a video
request form filled out to the corresponding information. Before confirming
any request, make sure that all of the essential information is present.
Every piece of information is extremely important, as it will be used
for internal administrative purposes.
STAN Account Request Form -The STAN Acount
Request Form is to ensure that accounts and bills are charged to the
parties, users of our system are required to fill out an Account Request
Form. Even if the services they are requesting will not have any charges,
users are encouraged to fill out this form. The information on the Account
Request Form provides TIP-G with important contact and site information,
which will make it easier for us to better serve our users.
In addition to the two forms that need to be filled out
when requesting a VTC through STAN/PEACESAT the Coordinator (person
requesting the VTC) has certain responsibilities. The responsibilities,
or steps to follow, of the coordinator can be found by clicking
of Hawaii at Manoa 2424 Maile Way Saunders
Hall Room 713 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 |
(808) 956-8848 Fax: (808) 956-8019 Email: peacesat@elele.peacesat.hawaii.edu |