This page contains information that pertains to the GOES-7 Satellite
including Eclipse Schedules, Pointing Data, and other GOES-7 related
VTC Procedures Documents
Please print out the VTC procedure document listed below and post above terminal.
VTC Procedure (Word Document)
VTC Procedure (PDF Document)
*SPECIAL NOTE - Please remember that if the conference starts at 0130GMT, you are required to check in at a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start of the conference. This time is needed to setup the equipment, arrange conference room, optimize signal levels, and/or to work out unforeseen personnel/technical problems.
PEACESAT Technical Logs
PEACESAT Technical Event Log
This sheet is for logging problems and alignments. For a PDF of the PEACESAT Technical Event Log click here. (For an example click here)
PEACESAT Alignment Log
For a PDF of the PEACESAT Alignment Log click here. (For an example click here)
For a PDF of the current GOES-7 Pointing Data please click here.
For a JPEG image of the current GOES-7 Pointing Data please click here.
Please note the following for the current Pointing Data:
Elevation Alignments - “Long Polar Bolt”
Must be done at either the SOUTH or NORTH PEAK. This alignment should be done weekly to ensure a good signal for Analog and Digital connections.
Azimuth Alignments - “East\West”
Must be done at either the NORTH-SOUTH CROSSING or SOUTH-NORTH CROSSING. This alignment should only be done if repeated attempts to do an Elevation Alignment still leaves your Earth Station with a low receive signal. Please contact PEACESAT Honolulu prior to performing this alignment.
The pointing data is saved as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. If you do not have a PDF Reader, it can be downloaded for free on the Adobe website:
of Hawaii at Manoa 2424 Maile Way Saunders
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